It's now possible through Google sketch up to design your own new town. Have a go yourself at home and think about the following: transport infrastructure, industry, residential zones and retail and commerce. Just click on the image to go direct to Sketchup!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Virtual Towns with Google Sketch up
It's now possible through Google sketch up to design your own new town. Have a go yourself at home and think about the following: transport infrastructure, industry, residential zones and retail and commerce. Just click on the image to go direct to Sketchup!
Tony's Pop-up Drainage Basin
Thursday, March 29, 2007
lost jungle
Is sustainable development an Oxymoron?
As part of the synoptic paper you may need to tackle a question on the environment. You will need to develop your understanding of the sustainable development debate and take your own position.
To further aid your reading use the following links:
Sustainable Development Commission - National scale
Bhopal disaster website - TNC influence
Rainforest Alliance - NGO scale
Another Happisburgh Wave
As part of year 8 's work we have looked at the reasons for defending the coastline in Happisburgh. Check out the following links on innovative coastal defense schemes.
Sunday, March 25, 2007
'Greening up'
In class we have been studying how local actions have global affects. These affects range in scale from dropping chewing gum on the school pitch to industrial effluent in the River Rhine. From choking traffic congestion in Brussels to the melting ice shelfs of Antarctica. Collectively our actions make a big difference. Normal household energy consumption through normal household objects like the TV and toilet all contribute to greenhouse gases.
I'm asking you for your comments on how we can all make small changes to 'green up'and reduce our ecological footprint and collectively make a difference.
Explore the following links: