Sunday, March 25, 2007

'Greening up'

Wind Turbines, originally uploaded by justpedalhard.

In class we have been studying how local actions have global affects. These affects range in scale from dropping chewing gum on the school pitch to industrial effluent in the River Rhine. From choking traffic congestion in Brussels to the melting ice shelfs of Antarctica. Collectively our actions make a big difference. Normal household energy consumption through normal household objects like the TV and toilet all contribute to greenhouse gases.

I'm asking you for your comments on how we can all make small changes to 'green up'and reduce our ecological footprint and collectively make a difference.

Explore the following links:

BBC news article - Planet

My ecological footprint

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Small changes to 'green up' could be:
Reciclyng every single bit of our waste;
If possible, purchasing on the Internet, if not going shopping by bycicle and pressing supermarkets for home deliveries;
buying locally-grown food;
reduce the use of packages when buying food.
Federico Bernuzzi