Sunday, November 18, 2007

Bangladesh ravaged again by Cyclone Sidr

Cyclone Sidr slammed into the Eatsern coast of Bangladesh last Thursday reaking havoc yet again on the poor low lying country of Bangladesh. Bangladesh has frequently played host to mother nature's horrific tropical storms over the last few decades and Sidr was no different; stripping a line of devestation along its path and flooding much of the coastal region, which supports aproximately 5 million people, with its resulting tidal surge.

See this CNN report:

Despite Bangladesh's sophistaicated early warning system it was powerless to protect itself. With the physical factors of low lying land, warm tropical waters and a category 4 force storm, combined with its poor infrastructure and the densest population in the world, death tolls were always going to be high.

The death toll is currently standing at 2000 and is sure to rise. Bangladesh has appealed for international assitance. Typical emergency response aid is required which includes tent shelters, food and water purifying tablets. With access limited, much of the aid needs to be deliverd by helicopter.

See the personal stories through the BBC's picture gallery

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