Tuesday, April 17, 2007

'green OPEC"

This is exactly how I see this site developing so thanks to Katt for sending through 'green OPEC' As she says in her comment it's ideal for the synoptic paper it shows how government decisions to move towards biofuels, whilst full of good intentions will have major impacts on the social and economic structures of societies in developing countries as well as enormous environment consequences.
There is alos an interesting article ob development and conservation concerning the paving of the B-163 in the Amazon.


Messenger Boy said...

Hi, I just wanted to say that I saw a BBC news item, and it was about fuels in the developing world. They featured a community clinic in Nigeria which ran on solar panels at the behest of the EU and UN. But the problem is that by using solar panels, the hospital can EITHER have the lights on, or the fridge running where they keep vaccines and medicines cool.

As the Development Minister for Nigeria pointed out on the news item, developed countries have now become aware of the mess we have made, and we're expecting the poor Africans to clean up for us. Whilst the developing countries sit on stocks of coal and oil, the developed countries won't let them use it - so what's the point in cutting debt when these LEDCs will simply loan more money in order to invest in "clean" fuels?

The Geography Department said...

I'd be interested to know the link so that I can read the article. I would have thought that green energies like solar should be being used to supplement and support energy use in hospitals. It is an impossible situation for vital services to be entirely dependent on green energy for their electricity supply. Thanks for your comment.